The SALAM Training Center (STC) is a vocational training institute which trains and equips rural Bengali youth to be Salt And Light As Mechanics in their families, fellowships, home communities. This is accomplished through vocational training that results in marketable skills for all graduates, and through moral and ethical training that produces transformed lives of integrity, service & leadership.
Although the Center is located in a large industrial suburb of Dhaka city, the students are encouraged to return to their home areas to practice their new trade. By training young underprivileged men who would have found it very difficult to gain a trade skill, STC is bringing hope to many families across the country of Bangladesh. The main areas of focus are currently Motorcycle Mechanics and Electric Wiring.
STC was started in 1980, and since its inception has equipped 350 young men with mechanical and technical skills. Since mid-2004, the center has been structured with an overseeing board to provide guidance for the direction and vision of the institute. While the term of each batch of students has varied from 9 – 18 months, we are happy to presently have our 54th student batch with us as regular classes continue. Everyday we are seeking to equip them with the skills they need to provide for their families and serve their communities.